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Tropical Creatrix

Want to: enter the world of book/magazine publishing? Manifest an artistic/health-wellness retreat? Enjoy win-win relationships (& know when to let go)? Apply metaphysics to human 3-D experiences? Navigate these unusual times? As someone who lives such realities fulltime, happy to connect. :) "Creativity is the communicate the urgency of our dreams for a better future." Audre Lorde

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Where Are My Peeps?!

Seeking true soul kin, soul mate, soul friends, soul tribe? Relationships where problems get solved, & generally feel "win-win" good? There can be different eras with this, including quiet plateaus; especially these days! Let's talk. I've intimately explored human connection as Founder of an "intentional community" creative/spiritual retreat center (which later morphed into a private mystery school), with all the relationship-building, guidance, boundary-setting, friendships, & magic those entail. We even wrote a book about it. :) Happy to help support creating the connections of your dreams!

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