Tara Smith


Tara Smith - Femdom sissy trainer, humiliatrix, erotic dirty talker, open minded, fun and with a great sense of humor. Calling all bi-sexual man whores, sissy cock suckers, gooner bois, cuckolds and kinksters!

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Femdom and Fetish

Tara Smith - Femdom sissy trainer, humiliatrix, erotic dirty talker, open minded, fun and with a great sense of humor. Calling all bi-sexual man whores, sissy cock suckers, gooner bois, cash piggies, stripper junkies, cuckolds, losers, wankers and kinksters!

$1.79 Per Minute


Foot Fetish

Let's chat about your foot fetish and how much you love my feet. Let's chat about how you feel so weak for a very sexy pair of feet. What are your favorite type of shoes to see sexy feet in? Do you love heels? Do you love running shoes? How about slippers? Do you love smelly feet? Dirty Feet? Soft feet? Let's chat all about it!

$1.79 Per Minute
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