Entrepreneur. Manager. Economist. Consultant. Author. Financially independent. Managerial experience in private & public companies. Real and Virtual Estate & Stock Exchange Investor. International REALTOR. Founder of Sameday Courier, Retail+ Eastern Europe, Freedom Group & Minutes Bank. Personal website: www.badescu.ro
I am at your disposal for 15 minutes, no matter what. Being a paid discussion, I assume that from a previous research, you are already aware if and how I might be able to help you. I will be pleased to discuss with somebody which value as much as I do. My rates on this platform are highly influenced by the hosting costs. I am also available for a scheduled discussion / meeting if you access my personal agenda: https://badescu.ro/agenda. The value has to exceed the price. Thank you.
Suport uman in tranzactionare prin consultanta imobiliara online, live. Discutia cu un specialist in faza premergatoare demararii unui demers de tranzactionare imobiliara pe cont propriu sau printr-o agentie este o optiune de sine statatoare. Poate fi si una complementara eventualei utilizari a serviciilor platformelor din grupul nostru: faracomision.ro, romanian.realestate si freedomgroup.ro. Acest serviciu nu implica plata vreunui comision din eventuala viitoare valoare de tranzactionare si nici nu exclude o posibila continuare a colaborarii in proiect. www.badescu.realestate
Suport uman in tranzactionare prin consultanta imobiliara online, live. Discutia cu un specialist in faza premergatoare demararii unui demers de tranzactionare imobiliara pe cont propriu sau printr-o agentie este o optiune de sine statatoare. Poate fi si una complementara eventualei utilizari a serviciilor platformelor din grupul nostru: faracomision.ro, romanian.realestate si freedomgroup.ro. Acest serviciu nu implica plata vreunui comision din eventuala viitoare valoare de tranzactionare si nici nu exclude o posibila continuare a colaborarii in proiect. www.badescu.realestate
Suport uman in tranzactionare prin consultanta imobiliara online, live. Discutia cu un specialist in faza premergatoare demararii unui demers de tranzactionare imobiliara pe cont propriu sau printr-o agentie este o optiune de sine statatoare. Poate fi si una complementara eventualei utilizari a serviciilor platformelor din grupul nostru: faracomision.ro, romanian.realestate si freedomgroup.ro. Acest serviciu nu implica plata vreunui comision din eventuala viitoare valoare de tranzactionare si nici nu exclude o posibila continuare a colaborarii in proiect. www.badescu.realestate
Suport uman in tranzactionare prin consultanta imobiliara online, live. Discutia cu un specialist in faza premergatoare demararii unui demers de tranzactionare imobiliara pe cont propriu sau printr-o agentie este o optiune de sine statatoare. Poate fi si una complementara eventualei utilizari a serviciilor platformelor din grupul nostru: faracomision.ro, romanian.realestate si freedomgroup.ro. Acest serviciu nu implica plata vreunui comision din eventuala viitoare valoare de tranzactionare si nici nu exclude o posibila continuare a colaborarii in proiect. www.badescu.realestate
I am at your disposal for minimum 5 minutes, for a quick call, if it's important for you. I will be pleased to discuss with somebody which value as much as I do. My rates on this platform are highly influenced by the hosting costs. I am also available for a scheduled discussion / meeting if you access my personal agenda: https://badescu.ro/agenda. The value has to exceed the price. Thank you.
I am at your disposal for minimum 5 minutes, for a quick call. Being a paid discussion, I assume that from a previous research, you are already aware if and how I might be able to help you. I will be pleased to discuss with somebody which value as much as I do. My rates on this platform are highly influenced by the hosting costs. I am also available for a scheduled discussion / meeting if you access my personal agenda: https://badescu.ro/agenda. The value has to exceed the price. Thank you.
I am at your disposal, no matter what. Being a paid discussion, I assume that from a previous research, you are already aware if and how I might be able to help you. I will be pleased to discuss with somebody which value as much as I do. My rates on this platform are highly influenced by the hosting costs. I am also available for a scheduled discussion / meeting if you access my personal agenda: https://badescu.ro/agenda. The value has to exceed the price. Thank you.
I am at your disposal, no matter what. Being a paid discussion, I assume that from a previous research, you are already aware if and how I might be able to help you. I will be pleased to discuss with somebody which value as much as I do. My rates on this platform are highly influenced by the hosting costs. I am also available for a scheduled discussion / meeting if you access my personal agenda: https://badescu.ro/agenda. The value has to exceed the price. Thank you.
I am at your disposal, no matter what. Being a paid discussion, I assume that from a previous research, you are already aware if and how I might be able to help you. I will be pleased to discuss with somebody which value as much as I do. My rates on this platform are highly influenced by the hosting costs. I am also available for a scheduled discussion / meeting if you access my personal agenda: https://badescu.ro/agenda. The value has to exceed the price. Thank you.
I am at your disposal for 15 minutes, no matter what. Being a paid discussion, I assume that from a previous research, you are already aware if and how I might be able to help you. I will be pleased to discuss with somebody which value as much as I do. My rates on this platform are highly influenced by the hosting costs. I am also available for a scheduled discussion / meeting if you access my personal agenda: https://badescu.ro/agenda. The value has to exceed the price. Thank you.
I am at your disposal for 15 minutes, no matter what. Being a paid discussion, I assume that from a previous research, you are already aware if and how I might be able to help you. I will be pleased to discuss with somebody which value as much as I do. My rates on this platform are highly influenced by the hosting costs. I am also available for a scheduled discussion / meeting if you access my personal agenda: https://badescu.ro/agenda. The value has to exceed the price. Thank you.
I am at your disposal for 30 minutes, no matter what. Being a paid discussion, I assume that from a previous research, you are already aware if and how I might be able to help you. I will be pleased to discuss with somebody which value as much as I do. My rates on this platform are highly influenced by the hosting costs. I am also available for a scheduled discussion / meeting if you access my personal agenda: https://badescu.ro/agenda. The value has to exceed the price. Thank you.
I am at your disposal for 50 minutes, no matter what. Being a paid discussion, I assume that from a previous research, you are already aware if and how I might be able to help you. I will be pleased to discuss with somebody which value as much as I do. My rates on this platform are highly influenced by the hosting costs. I am also available for a scheduled discussion / meeting if you access my personal agenda: https://badescu.ro/agenda. The value has to exceed the price. Thank you. www.badescu.ro