Live chat has been one of the most popular activities on the internet since online social communication started. Your customers, fans, and followers are eager to chat with you every day. The very fast growing chat messaging industry enables people to connect openly and easily; whether they’re miles apart, or in different time zones.
Start charging by the minute for live chat
At Premium.Chat, we’ve developed a new kind of chat that’s adds a revenue stream to your business. Instead of free chat, now you can get paid to chat. It’s the same great chat your used to, but instead, what makes use different is that now you can charge for live chat! Remember, your time is available, and time is money as they say! Our #1 mission is helping you earn money with chat because live chat should be profitable. If you’re a person with an expertise, or has advice, and can give guidance by live chat on different topics, experiences and insights, you should consider adding a Chat Plugin to your website today.
Add a Chat Plugin to any website or Social media account
Once you setup your Premium.Chat account you’ll be able to add Premium.Chat to any website or social media account using copy and paste. No technical knowledge is required or needed. With a few lines of html code to copy and paste, you can add the chat plugin to your website. You’ll also get a profile link which you can promote on your social media accounts
What is Premium.Chat?
Premium.Chat is a pay per minute chat billing platform where advisors, coaches, consultants, entertainers, social media influencers or any individuals, or business can earn money using live chat plugins. E-commerce, content websites, and blogs are in dire need of such one-on-one live pay per minute chat software to satisfy their customers’ needs. This can help your earn more business from people who are serious, and ready to spend money, instead of those who browse your site for free, and send countless emails wasting your valuable time, and energy.
Likewise, celebrities and social media influencers/mentors have followers who want to chat with their favorite personalities. All this can be conveniently achieved with the added bonus of a profitable revenue stream.
Let’s explore the features a Premium.Chat account offers, and How a Premium Chat Plugin can help you:
– No setup cost, or monthly fees, just effortless charging by the minute or flat rate prices- it’s your call!
– It’s a text based messaging interactive chat which is totally in your control.
– User-friendly design- it is functional on all devices; mobile phones, laptops, desktops or even tablets
– Full customization is another advantage of using Premium Chat.
– You get a chat plugin widget which can be personalized according to your know-how, interests, charges and availability.
– The particular widget can be turned on/off or an advanced schedule can be set up when you think it is appropriate to live chat.
– Your personal information is kept 100% confidential and secured. You will be provided detailed and accurate original report and billing information.
– Your earnings will be transferred via PayPal or Direct Deposit.
– Payments are done on the 10th of every month for the prior month’s billing.
– Credit and Debit cards are also included.
Over and above you don’t have to be a tech-savvy to get Premium Chat for your website/social media account. It can be added by simply copying the html code. Create customized chat widgets and a Premium Chat profile link, and add them for paid live chat. Start earning money immediately!
So what are you waiting for? Get Chatting and Get Paid!
The procedure is quite simple; no signup fee, or setup costs with no complicated steps. Go to our homepage, and click on the “Sign Up” button at: https://Premium.Chat and get your paid chat plugin widget in a matter of few minutes.