In this review we answer the most popular questions about how the Clarity.fm works, as well alternatives or competitors to the platform.
Years of experience have blessed you with some truly valuable business insights. You recognize that your know-how could be a path into an online consultancy career, but which tool is going to deliver the best results? Many with the knowledge to provide great business advice come across Clarity.fm, and want to know if it’s going to help them find success. If this rings true to you, then you’re in the right place. We’ve been trawling through Clarity.fm reviews and getting to grips with how the site works, so you don’t have to!
How Does Clarity.fm Work?
If you’re digging into Clarity.fm, you may have already checked out the Clarity.fm Crunchbase page, to make sure the site is legit, and have a grasp of how it works for those answering the questions. What’s more important for you, however, is what you can anticipate on the expert side of the arrangement! To get started on the platform, you need to create a profile, and establish your areas of expertize – alongside how much you charge to consult. The platform is mostly made up of business topics ranging from Marketing, to Funding, to Design, and much more, so you’ll need to identify your niche.

When a customer visits Clarity.fm, they will scroll through the offerings of lots of different experts, and in an ideal world they’ll pick you to ask their question! Once they do, you’ll have a 72 hour window in which to schedule a call. You and your client will be provided with a toll-free number in the US, or a local number if you’re in a selection of other countries. Otherwise, the site also accommodates Skype calls. Once your chat is complete, you will receive payment for your time, less Clarity.fm fees. You can only pay out from Clarity.fm with PayPal, so be sure to have an account set up ahead of time!

What Kinds Of Chat Are Available?
Clarity.fm only serves as a platform for audio calls, which makes it a little behind the times in the world of paid chat. Research indicates that for the Millennial generation and younger, text based chat has become the preferred mode of communication online. Simultaneously, video chat is gaining ground rapidly! Clarity.fm does provide text based snippets in it’s “Answers” section, although this is not a paid area of the site. They allow members to post questions, and encourage experts to answer them for free to show off their industry knowledge. It’s worth noting that anything you answer here remains public, so anyone can access your know-how without paying you for the pleasure!
How Much Can I Charge On Clarity.fm?
Clarity.fm allows it’s experts to set their own by-the-minute rate. They recommend a simple formula for choosing how much to charge. This involves figuring out what your hourly rate would be based on your prior/target salary, and then doubling it. So, for example, if you wanted to earn $60,000 a year, you would divide that by 2000 (the number of hours in a full-time working year), and then multiply it by two. That’d be $60,000 / 2000 = $30/hour x 2 = $60 / hour. That sum arrives at the handy figure of $1 per minute! So, you get the principle of their recommendation, but fundamentally, you can charge whatever you wish. Of course, a target figure does in no way guarantee that you’ll be booked tight with calls on the site!
What Is The Client Relationship Like?
For many consultants, developing a meaningful relationship with clients, and joining their journey over time, is a valuable part of the expert experience. Unlike some Clarity.fm competitors, this site does allow customers to not only choose you, but to return to you if they want to. The site’s model is, however, more geared towards one-time solution provision. Reviews on Quora suggest that professionals on Clarity.fm need to master delivering well rounded advice within a 15-20 minute cold-call, which might not float the boat of every aspiring virtual consultant out there.
On the one hand, you are placing yourself on a platform that does generate traffic for business consultation. On the other, you are constantly set against a backdrop of lots of other experts, so a customer that was delighted with your last answer still may not choose you the next time around. It’s also worth noting that the default search setting on the site is “Best Match”, and reviews play a big part in ranking. Users can also set the search to “Lowest Price”. This means that when you are just starting out, jumping to the top of the screens of potential clients can be tricky unless you’re willing to start out on a low rate.
How Much Demand Is There On Clarity.fm?
Back in 2013, Clarity.fm founder Dan Martell discussed the challenges of matching talent with demand, explaining that the ratio of experts to customers on the site means that they can’t guarantee that every expert gets any calls. Fundamentally, this means that success on the site comes down to a really polished presentation, having a lucky break, and building a great reputation over time. You can market your service elsewhere on the internet, but in doing so, there is no guarantee that you won’t loose your customer to other experts once they land on the website! Clarity.fm reviews on websites like Quora, and G2 do indicate that there’s strength to the model, and some experts find success on the platform.
What Clarity.fm Alternatives or Competitors Could You Try?
If you’re not convinced that you want to jostle in between loads of other experts online, you could use a service like Premium.Chat to launch your on-demand chat service as an independent consultant! Premium.Chat is a easy to use web based service that you can use to charge for both text-based and video chat. It is known to be very flexible which means you can chat about any topic and set different rates. Your availability can also be turned online, offline, or a preset-schedule. You are not forced to fit in with any predetermined categories. You can create and share your own profile – perfect for social media – and build chat widgets to embed in your own website, in only a few short minutes!

How Can You Make Money With Premium.Chat
A host of professionals use Premium.Chat, from consultants to business coaches, and much more. Signing up for the platform is free, and there are no monthly charges. You only pay a percentage fee when you’ve made a successful sale, so Premium.Chat is risk free! As an expert offering advice, you can add chat widgets for both text-based and video chat to your website, creating a professional impression, and user-friendly one-stop-shop. You can provide a link to your service in all of your email correspondence, and share it as you market yourself on platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook. Your marketing will be the key to your success, so you won’t be at the whim of unfriendly reviewers, or constrained by the formula of a big platform.

A Platform with more flexibility can lead you to earn more money
Premium.Chat is an app that allows you to set your own rates, charging either by the minute, or at a fixed fee per chat session. You can create lots of different offerings, covering niche topics that will grab your audience in different ways. Our scheduling tools allow you to automate when you appear online, or you can turn your availability on and off as suits you. When a client requests a chat, we will secure payment before your session even begins, and you can choose whether you receive your monthly revenues via PayPal, or Direct Deposit, for ultimate convenience. Most importantly, Premium.Chat can be used on any device without any app download, making it ideal whether you – or your client – are at home in the office, or out on the go! Discover more about Premium.Chat, or sign up today and get started!