As 2020 throws us some curve balls, lots of professionals are scrabbling to reinvent themselves as the world of work evolves. However, with Premium.Chat’s paid video chat service, you don’t have to miss a beat! Whether you want to make video consulting your daily bread and butter, or simply need a way to earn extra money online so you can sail through a market down-turn unscathed, our web-based premium video app is here to provide the ultimate solution.
Be A Real-Time Presence For Your Clients
Whatever your field of expertize, consulting means getting to grips with the intricate needs of your clients. For many, this has historically meant a preference for meeting in person, but recent events have led more to embrace high-caliber video calling than ever. With today’s top-notch connectivity, video calls can make it feel as if you are really in the room, which is exactly what your skill demands! With Premium.Chat, your clients – whether they are new or returning – can invite you to join them exactly where they need you, in real-time. Your paid video consultation service can be only a few clicks away!
Expand Your Potential Customer Pool
Adapting when the going gets tough often means creating potential for increased opportunities. When your usual target audience lacks the means to utilize your services at full-tilt, simply make that audience larger. If you historically offered a consulting service in your local area, our premium video app will throw your net much wider. Earn extra money online by offering chat and video consulting with clients on the other side of the country, or even the world! Plus, because Premium.Chat is 100% web-based, potential clients can take the plunge in the heat of the moment. They don’t need to download or install any software, but can instead reach out to you exactly when they need to. Let Premium.Chat help you to become the most accessible consultant in your field!
Cut Expenses In A Way That Will Benefit You And Your Customer
Working as a consultant often means substantial travel times and all the associated costs that come with it. Each client session may take up only a fraction of the total time each contract requires. Meanwhile costs incurred increase your price tag, but not your profits. With video consulting, the need for protracted journeys is entirely eliminated. Our premium video app means that your clients pay for the duration of your consultation and not more. This can translate in two ways: savings that increase your margins, and savings that you can pass on as added value for your clients – most likely it will mean both!
Beat Your Competition With Increased Availability
All that time consultants traditionally spent on the road severely limited how much of time they could spend serving hard-earned clients. However, with a premium video app, this doesn’t have to be so. All the time you save will mean the potential to cater to far more customers, and allow you to be available for urgent video consulting within far shorter time frames. Many modern businesses have to be on their toes, and stay on the pulse of their market with lightning speed. Being able to consult on a virtual basis is the natural evolution with a world that is getting faster and faster. Become the go-to in your field, as an ever ready online consultant!
Sculpt Your Consulting Service To Suit Your Needs
We understand that many consultants are also highly active in their field, and restrict their advisory and instructive activity as only a proportion of their work load. Others may wish to earn extra money online while in partial retirement, or be juggling a multitude of exhilarating projects! Whatever your scenario, Premium.Chat is entirely adaptable. With no sign-up fees or monthly costs, what you pay will always be scaled in line with your video consulting service, and not a cent more. You can set your own schedule, either turning your availability on and off, or building your own automatic time-table. When a client wishes to chat, you can choose whether or not to accept the video call. Our web-based premium video app means that just as your clients can use any device, you can too. Consult from your home-office, hotel room, vehicle, or anywhere that you can set that perfect professional scene!
Rely On Premium.Chat To Take Care Of The Details
Traditionally, consultants invoiced for their services, often needing to chase late payments, and balance the books. With Premium.Chat you don’t need to lift a finger, as payment is secured by us before video consulting even begins. You can review your income via our user-friendly reports, and receive payment in one satisfying monthly payment. Embed a widget on your website, or provide a link for clients to follow. When you are available, they will be able to pay quickly, and access the live-action service they need. For added convenience, they can safely and securely save payment details for next time, making consulting with you next time even speedier!
Why Wait? Get Started With Video Consulting Today!
Are you ready to stride into the new decade in style with a virtual consultation service that is certain to impress? Don’t let movement restrictions or economic recession limit your potential. Instead, choose to adapt, and provide your skills in a way that fits our new era. Choose a lifestyle that can mean more time at home, more time doing what you value, or a higher bottom line. Whatever your objective, the sky is the limit with Premium.Chat, so sign up for free today, and explore your true poten