In the digital age, we are no longer restricted to building our customer base through local advertising, and face to face interaction. Most of us carry a portal to the services we need, right in our pockets! For those of us with a skill or talent that is in demand, this makes customer acquisition an activity that is filled with potential. We simply need to take a modern approach, and tune in to the on-demand way that businesses and individuals anticipate communicating today.
Whether you are an online influencer or a life coach, a business consultant or a spiritual advisor, providing your customers with an excellent value Premium.Chat service will allow you to build your audience faster, creating higher conversion rates and robust client relationships along the way. Add a customizable chat widget to your website, and provide your clients with an on-trend way to connect with you. Let’s look at all the ways in which an on-demand chat service will spring-board your customer acquisition, and help you build your brand.
1. A By-The-Minute Service Is A Great Way To Introduce New Customers
When we know we could use expert guidance, the thought of investing in costly courses or programs can trigger a pause for thought. At times, a high entry price can act as a barrier between great service, and unsure clients. By adding a by-the-minute chat service to your marketing arsenal, you can give customers the chance to get to know you. They will find excellent value in being able to test your service in an affordable way. Meanwhile, the value of your time as a talent in your field will be reflected. You won’t have to travel for initial consultations, or waste time on false leads.
2. Premium.Chat Creates A Faster Path To Trust

Modern consumers want to have a sense that there are real people behind the brands they interact with. Combining an informative introduction to who you are, and what drives your brand, with the means to contact you directly creates a strong sense of integrity. Customers know that by engaging in your Premium.Chat service, they can acquire instant access to what they desire. This provides a foundation of trust that cannot be replicated through impersonal means!
3. An On-Demand Service Creates A Stronger Call To Action
The value of a strong call to action is widely recognised as a crucial element of excellent marketing. For every individual who comes across your service – be it on your website, on social media, or through online advertising – there are only seconds in which to capture their imagination. We all know that feeling of hesitation as we linger in deciding whether or not to make a purchase. Because the Premium.Chat service is on-demand, it holds great power as a call to action. Your soon-to-be customers will know that the moment they make the investment, they will gain immediate results.
4. Chatting Is The Trending Way To Communicate
Research tells us that the Millennial generation consider text based chat the most comfortable way to interact. Across the spectrum, everyone else isn’t far behind them! Whether chatting to friends on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger, ordering a coffee from Starbucks, or reaching out to a new contact for the first time, chatting is steadily staking it’s claim as the way to connect. Boost your customer acquisition by being on the pulse of this trend. Now is the time to get ahead, rather than remaining in the pool of businesses who fail to keep up.
5. Our Culture Has Evolved To Expect Instant Access

From binge watching TV shows to streaming the latest music hits, people of today have come to expect instant access to everything! Because the Premium.Chat platform is entirely web based, your clients wont need to download anything, or wait through boring installation processes. Connecting to you, and the great service you provide, is easy and fast. Your clients can save their payment details, making their next chat session even more convenient. Through this secure and user-friendly on-demand service, your customers can consult with the best, exactly when they need it most.
6. On-Demand Chat Provides An Easy Route To Customer Relationships

Because we all use it so much in our daily lives, text based chat feels comfortable and familiar. We are happy expressing ourselves in this format, and so building customer relationships feels natural from both sides. For customer acquisition, an on-demand chat service takes the pressure off new clients as they take the plunge and reach out to you. The more comfortable your customers feel, the happier they will be to come back to your service, again and again.
7. The Premium.Chat Scheduling Feature Helps You Provide A Reliable Service
You can quickly and easily make your very own schedule in your Premium.Chat account. With this tool, you can create a steady timetable that allows your customers to know when they can reach you. Of course, you can also turn your availability on and off, as your other commitments demand. It can, however, be valuable to recognize that when customers know you will be there for them, they can more easily lean in to your service. You will quickly become an indispensable part of their personal or professional lives.
8. You Can Sculpt Your Service To Suit Your Target Audience
Nobody knows your clients better than you do. Perhaps you are a tutor, who wants to offer fixed rate sessions to chat loving students. Perhaps you are an attorney, who wants to offer clients the chance to ask you in-the-moment questions. Whatever the service you want to provide, Premium.Chat has been built with you in mind. Create your own offering, customize your chat widget to suit your branding. Charge the rates you choose, and build a business model that allows you to lead the life you desire.
9. Chatting Allows You, And Your Clients, To Communicate From Anywhere

Providing an on-demand service couldn’t be easier, because of the informal and practical nature of text based chat. Your customers can contact you from home, from the office, or when they are out and about. You won’t need to worry about being at your desk, because all you need is the closest device to hand, and a moment to get comfortable! When a customer requests a chat session you will be notified by SMS and email. Wherever you are, you can provide an excellent on-demand service, without missing a stride.
10. A Premium.Chat Widget Will Enhance The Authenticity Of Your Website

When looking for any type of service, checking out the website of potential candidates plays a huge role in who we choose to hire. Adding a Premium.Chat widget to your own site is a fantastic way of creating a professional impression. It demonstrates that you are actively engaged with your customers, and that you will be ready, whenever they need you. Getting started with Premium.Chat is entirely risk free, because there are no sign-up fees, or monthly costs to worry about. Only once you begin making money will Premium.Chat keep a small percentage of your revenue, so you know exactly where you stand. Extend the potential of your customer acquisition with total peace of mind, and focus on doing great work.