Premium.Chat is obligated to comply with U.S. tax laws, which involves filing a 1099-NEC form with the IRS for sellers located in the United States. The 1099-NEC form is used to report payments made to non-employees, such as independent contractors, and is essential for tax reporting purposes. For sellers outside the U.S., American tax laws don't apply. However, these sellers should adhere to the tax regulations of their respective countries.
If you earn $600 or more in a year through Premium.Chat, the platform is legally required to provide you with a 1099-NEC form, detailing the total amount paid to you over that year. This threshold is set by the IRS. Once you cross this threshold, Premium.Chat will make this form available in PDF format, which you can download from your account. The form will be available for download before January 31st for the income earned in the previous year. Premium.Chat will notify you via email when the form is ready for download. You can access and download the form from the Seller Summary Payout Reports section of your account at Premium.Chat Reports Summary for the relevant year.